Transforming Workforce Development Through Innovation

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What is Skilldex?

Skilldex is a web application designed for Workforce Development Boards to better engage regional employers and provide innovative service for local jobseekers across multiple funding streams. With Skilldex in your toolbox, you'll have the ability to collect, analyze and act on individual and regional skills data like never before!

Diving a Little Deeper

A System that Works for You


Skilldex was designed with you in mind. Spend less time clicking and searching, and more time enhancing your workforce development efforts.


All jobseeker, employer, and regional data is secure. Sleep easy, we've got you covered.


Skilldex functions flawlessly on any digital device or platform. Your annual license provides unlimited access and data storage within our system.


We're confident you'll achieve great results with Skilldex, and we are here to help with implementation, training, customer support and maximizing outcomes. We've got your back.

Jobseeker Application

Engage with jobseekers to collect eye-opening and meaningful data. By utilizing our jobseeker application, you are choosing to proactively collect and catalog skill data at the individual level. You're engaging jobseekers to identify areas of strength and interest, and you are on the path to building skills inventories and utilizing individual and regional skills data to make more informed decisions.

  • Catalog jobseeker skill sets
  • Build individual skill profiles
  • Gather key jobseeker demographic information
  • Measure jobseeker skill gaps
  • Store and track jobseeker data
  • Identify transferable job skills
  • Facilitate strategic job placement outcomes
  • Manage rapid response opportunities
  • Up-serve local jobseekers/participants

Employer Application

Engage with local employers to provide game-changing solutions. By utilizing our employer application, you are choosing to meet employers where they are today, recognizing the unique skills needed for success in their organization and facilitating job placement. You're inviting local employers to engage in the process. You are on a path to build better relationships with local employers, resulting in positive employer outcomes, smarter training plans and increased employee retention.

  • Build job profiles for local employers
  • Produce skill gap reports
  • Facilitate On-the-Job training contracts-
  • Build OJT training plans
  • Showcase the value of workforce development to engage local employers
  • Measure skill attainment
  • Manage aging workforces/knowledge retention
  • Better, smarter, faster business services
  • Build organizational skills balance sheets
  • Engage local employers

Data and Reporting

Unlock unlimited possibilities. By utilizing our data and reporting tools, you are choosing to invest in transformational data analysis. Coupled with the jobseeker and employer applications, you have true regional skills data at your fingertips, and you are ready to inject data-driven decisions into your workforce development strategies and services. You are on the path towards a bright future for your region, its jobseekers and its local employers.

  • Produce regional employer skill needs data
  • Produce regional jobseeker skill data
  • Utilize data to make strategic funding decisions
  • Make data-driven decisions for the region
  • Regional training strategies
  • Build industry partnerships
  • Identify regional skills data
  • Mine data to drive decisions
  • Extract real-time skills information
  • Develop regional training strategies
  • Build industry partnerships

But Wait, There's More...

Additional Benefits for Workforce Development Boards

  • Providing innovation through Workforce Development
  • Establishing legislative compliance
  • Employer engagement
  • Community engagement
  • Leading with Data

WIOA Advantages

  • Facilitate demand-driven services
  • Foster regional collaboration
  • Develop career pathways
  • Build career ladders
  • Aid in WIOA compliance
  • Improve work-based training
  • Track skill acquisition

Populations Served

  • Adult
  • Dislocated Worker
  • Youth
  • Veteran
  • TANF
  • SNAP
  • Ex-Offender

"Skilldex is the most practical and informative system that I have used in not only assessing skill proficiency, but in identifying the gaps aligned with a job."

Kathleen Bentley – Perry County Literacy Council (PCLC)

Want to learn more?

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Our Partner Company

Rooted in Workforce Development

Skilldex was created by OSAS LLC., in partnership with EDSI, leveraging EDSI's 35+ years of expertise in Workforce Development, to assist more Workforce Development regions through innovation and technology. EDSI has a passion to help people and companies in transition, and through Skilldex, EDSI has partnered to build a skills analysis tool to provide expertise to the nation.